A Grain Of Ephemera 

2022.10 3D modeling & Experimental Animation Video & Illustration

 Tens of millions of years ago, the ancestors of land animals came out of the deep ocean and came to a continent full of unknowns. Today, in pursuit of eternal life and youth, human beings have set their sights on that deep sea. Lighthouse jellyfish, after sexual maturity, return to the hydra state and can achieve immortality by repeating this process indefinitely. As for how their consciousness has changed, it is not known.

"A Grain of Ephemera" constructs an Earth-like alien realm dominated by plankton such as jellyfish, and the project explores the necessary conditions for the growth environment of life and traces the origin of artificial life. The body exists forever, does consciousness also go to the future? The future of death, rebirth or eternal life? Whether this life beyond death ultimately changes human nature, or remains another way of generating reproductive flows.

几千万年前,陆地动物的祖先从深海中走出来,来到了一片充满未知的大陆。 今天,为了追求永生和青春,人类把目光投向了那片深海。 灯塔水母在性成熟后回到水螅状态,通过无限地重复这个过程可以实现永生。 至于他们的意识发生了怎样的变化,就不得而知了。

《一粒蜉蝣》构建了一个以水母等浮游生物为主的类地异界,探索生命生长环境的必要条件,追溯人工生命的起源。 身体永远存在,意识也去未来吗? 死亡、重生还是永生的未来? 这种超越死亡的生命是否最终会改变人性,或者仍然是产生生殖流的另一种方式。

Produced by Xiaoping Yu
Sound Design: Daniele Carmosino,   北野正人

Static Frame


PS, Procreate