
2024.3 Experimental Short Video & Epoxy Resin

 My practice aimed to explore the impact of Edinburgh's nightlife activities on the cultural shock I experienced. I chose to display my works on CowgateStreett, right next to my dormitory, a place where I deeply felt the impact of cultural shock. The pub culture in Edinburgh is central to the city's social life, but for me and some students from countries or regions with quieter nightlife or significant safety concerns, adapting to Edinburgh's nightlife culture can lead to a degree of cultural shock. I always feel uncomfortable or worried about safety when I go out at night. I want to dig deeper into how these safety issues reinforce my sense of cultural shock. 

I started documenting the nightlife in the Cowgate area with my camera. I sought to explore the relationship between the noises of Edinburgh at night and myself. Transitioning from shock to safety became the central theme of my video work. The sound of breaking glass shifts from being shocking to a rhythmic, musical presence, and I escape from being followed to safely return to my dorm. Sometimes noise can be unsettling, but at other times, it provides comfort. As I gradually got accustomed to the local environment in Edinburgh, the noises and breaking glass sounds outside my dorm at midnight started feeling safe. I recreated the instability and discomfort brought about by cultural shock through the layering of sounds, changes in tones, and rhythms, thereby creating an atmosphere of unease and vividly presenting the complexity and challenges of cultural shock. The goal is to allow viewers to deeply experience through both visual and auditory senses the challenges and confusions faced by international students amidst cultural shock, raising awareness of the importance of cultural differences and inclusivity, and providing emotional support and understanding for international students.

我的实践旨在探索爱丁堡的夜生活活动对我所经历的文化冲击的影响。 我选择在宿舍旁边的CowgateStreet展示我的作品,在那里我深深感受到了文化冲击的影响。 爱丁堡的酒吧文化是这座城市社交生活的核心,但对于我和一些来自夜生活较安静或安全问题较大的国家或地区的学生来说,适应爱丁堡的夜生活文化可能会导致一定程度的文化冲击。 晚上出去的时候总感觉不舒服或者担心安全。 我想更深入地探讨这些安全问题如何强化我的文化冲击感。

 我开始用相机记录考盖特地区的夜生活。 我试图探索爱丁堡夜晚的喧嚣与我自己之间的关系。 从震惊到安全的转变成为我视频作品的中心主题。 玻璃破碎的声音从震惊变成了有节奏的音乐声,我逃脱了跟踪,安全回到了宿舍。 有时噪音会令人不安,但有时却能带来舒适感。 随着我逐渐习惯了爱丁堡的当地环境,半夜宿舍外的噪音和玻璃破碎的声音开始让我感到安全。 我通过声音的层次感、音调的变化、节奏的变化,再现了文化冲击带来的不稳定和不适,从而营造了一种不安的氛围,生动地呈现了文化冲击的复杂性和挑战。 目的是让观众通过视觉和听觉双重感受深度体验留学生在文化冲击中面临的挑战和困惑,提高对文化差异和包容性重要性的认识,为留学生提供情感上的支持和理解。

Show in Cowgate Street, Edinburgh

Test Work, Epoxy