Doors That Can’t Be Closed

2022.12 illustration & handmade book

I always have a lot of weird dreams. I get bitten on the head by a dog, my teeth fall out, I get shot in the shoulder and don't feel any physical pain, and goldfish float in the air... But the most frequent dream is about the door to my house that won't close no matter what. No matter how much I scream for help, I can't make a sound and I can't get the door to close. Nightmares reflect people's state of mind, and I combined the illustrations with mirror paper to make a three-dimensional handmade book that can rotate. When the mirror book rotates, it also means that I can't close that door in my dreams and I can't escape even if I want to. Dreams are a mirror of the mind, reflecting our deepest fears, anxieties and desires. This is especially true of nightmares, which are not only sleep fantasies but also emotional and psychological projections. Doors that cannot be closed may represent the difficulties and challenges we encounter in real life, while the inability to shout or move may reflect a mental state where we feel bound or helpless.

By making a three-dimensional handmade book, I try to connect the fear in the dream world with the real world, so that the viewer can experience the intricacies between the dream world and the reality while rotating the mirrored book. This work is not only an exploration of the dream world but also an in-depth reflection of the inner world. Dream, mirror, is it the reflection of the dream, or the illusion in the mirror? Light and mirrors will instantly reflect Light and mirrors will instantly reflect each other throughout the space, which is the first beam of light that first shines in; It's like having another dream in a dream, and at this time I can't tell which dream is the real dream.

我总是做很多奇怪的梦。 我的头被狗咬了,我的牙齿掉了,我的肩膀被击中了,但感觉不到任何身体上的疼痛,金鱼漂浮在空中......但最常见的梦是关于我的门 无论如何都不会关闭的房子。 无论我如何尖叫求救,我都发不出声音,也无法将门关上。 噩梦反映了人的精神状态,我将插图与镜纸结合起来,制作了一本可以旋转的三维手工书。 当镜书转动的时候,也意味着我梦中那扇门关不上,想逃也逃不掉。 梦是心灵的镜子,反映我们最深的恐惧、焦虑和欲望。 噩梦尤其如此,它不仅是睡眠幻想,也是情绪和心理的投射。 关不上的门可能代表着我们在现实生活中遇到的困难和挑战,而无法喊叫或动弹则可能反映出我们感到被束缚或无助的心理状态。

通过制作一本三维手工书,我试图将梦境世界中的恐惧与现实世界联系起来,让观者在旋转镜面书本的同时体验梦境世界与现实之间的错综复杂。 这部作品不仅是对梦境世界的探索,也是对内心世界的深入反思。 梦,镜子,到底是梦的倒影,还是镜中的幻象? 光和镜子会瞬间反射整个空间的光和镜子会瞬间互相反射,这是最先照进来的第一束光; 就好像梦中又做了一个梦,此时我已经分不清哪个梦才是真正的梦了。
200mm diameter
Markers, Colored pencils, Kraft paper

200mm diameter
Markers, Colored pencils, Kraft paper
200mm diameter
Markers, Colored pencils, Kraft paper
200mm diameter
Markers, Colored pencils, Kraft paper
200mm diameter
Markers, Colored pencils, Kraft paper

Handmade Book
200mm diameter
Cellophane, Kraft, Cardboard, Mirror paper

Installation  Experiment
210mm × 290mm
Acrylic board,  Mirror  paper